The weather outside is frightful and the cold temperatures are horrid... this we all know.
What we need to remember is this affects our wildlife's food sources. Deer and bunnies are the top two criminals when they can't get their native materials. For example my Spice Bush Viburnum went from 5' to 3' when it was devoured... thank goodness the lower part was buried in snow! I also lost a specimen Dwarf Burning Bush one of their favorites. We have to be forgiving for they know not what landscape costs. Deer love Arborvitae, English Yew and our treasured Azalea flower buds... there goes spring blossoms.
Solution: Hardware Cloth, Netting or certain topical Repellants... I've heard Irish Spring soap works to keep the critters away athough I can't say I have ever heard of soap being scary but you never know. So if you notice your landscape shrinking go look for foot prints; this will help determine the thief. We have a variety of products at Potratz Floral Shop & Greenhouses to assist you in deterring the critters away from your prize landscape plants.
Also, while you are out in the yard, now is the perfect time to see what the aesthetic look of your past landscape choices are doing for the overall look of your landscape. You can achieve both summer and winter value, of course depending on location. Get some ideas and come in and let us help you pick just the right plants for you, throughout the seasons.
Have a safe healthy holiday and as always... the Possibilities are endless at Potratz Floral Shop & Greenhouse.
Sincerely, Starr the Plant Lady