Holiday swag is flying out the door at Potratz Floral Shop & Greenhouses.
Fresh Trees & Wreaths, Poinsettias, Christmas Cactus, Amarylis, Holiday Ornaments, Tropical Green & Blooming Plants, and Floral Arrangements to complete your Holiday Decor are all available for pick up or delivery.
This Holiday Helper wants to make sure you have the information on potential hazards with some of the well known holiday plants that have toxic effects as listed by the AKC. which are Holly, Azaleas, Kalanchoes, Bird of Paradise and Lillies. This by no means is extent of the list of plants, shrubs, or cut flowers. Allergic or toxic reactions can happen to anyone.
Safety Choices: Let's not leave out Tinsel and other hazards to pets and unknowing children.
I checked with my Veterinarian at Hometown Veterinary Clinic and if your furry friend has "Tinsel Butt" you should consult your veterinarian and DO NOT pull it out of their butt. Don't leave candles unattended, add water daily to cut trees. Poinsettias have had a bad rap for a long time, but have a clean bill of health, but they are not poisonous !! still keep OUT OF REACH is best. We don't have to fear them. This holiday season -stay safe, enjoy, and always use your best judgement on safety,wishing you a happy holiday season, sincerely, Starr the plant lady & Boss Moss
P.S.Potratz greenhouses 814-453-5501 has a good amount of information as well. RE; poisonous plants,care info, and floral calendars available at checkout